During the "Eat Cookies and Crap Thunder" quest in the Torgue DLC, when Tina discovers that what she thought were chocolate chip cookies are actually oatmeal raisin cookies, she goes absolutely ballistic, ordering you to destroy every one of the dispensers. Tina absolutely HATES oatmeal raisin cookies.Best Served Cold: Or, in this case, served with enough volts to completely vaporize.Even as a 19-year-old seven years later, she hasn't lost her cuteness or her talent with explosives. Badass Adorable: She's an adorable if not-so-slightly nutty 13-year-old who also happens to be the most gifted demolitions expert on Pandora.Wainwright Jakobs from the third game describes her as "nuttier than squirrel shit." She could give Harley Quinn a run for the title of "best psychotic female". (With her victim clearly able to hear her, no less.) And that's just her first appearance. Axe-Crazy: This girl sings "Pop Goes the Weasel" with alternate lyrics to make it an unsubtle Murder Ballad, while dancing around and committing actual murder.Arc Villain: Of Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon's Keep technically, seeing as though she's the DM.In Borderlands 3 she carries a rabbit toy around her waist, wears a rabbit headband, has a mask of a crazed-looking rabbit's skull and goes by the nickname "Crunk Bunny." Animal Motifs: Rabbits, most of her tech is designed after a rabbit and she wears a pouch with a rabbit's face on it.Tiny Tina: Counting Down! TEN! NINE! (missiles launch and explode).